“if this gets to 100,000 notes my mom said i could-“
If this gets to 100,000 notes, your mum will buy you a stop sign??
iguanamouth: phoenixschoiceass: iguanamouth: their reputation precedes them and suddenly an ace attorney case was born. its on my dash it came back to me
their reputation precedes them
and suddenly an ace attorney case was born.
its on my dash it came back to me
dewognatos: fungii: handy dandy face lighting references Where the fuck has this been all my life?
blissey-titizzies: what a babe
get the fuck out of here arfas
ayyrawn said: yeah i’ll admit i’ve tried leveling one twice, getting a sensible rotation down is just a bit wonky in general :/ though i just love dks overall, always jelly when i see high level ones
dks are really great i love the customization options for them and they can work some great transmogs and then u have those great dk voice s ugh i want a dk so bad
im going to make it a personal mission 2 get a dk to 90 i wont stop playing wow for any reason until i get one 2 90 … . ..>
1) Spec blood
2) 1 long chain pull from 58 -> 90.