Month: February 2013



Seriously I could write pages and pages of DK stuff if I had all the time in the world about their psychology and kinship and their relations with the living but I’m so far out of Warcraft now it seems kind of pointless, even if at this moment it feels like Dynast is doing this at me:


but it’s so much fun

that would be something I would totally read


Can I hide under someone’s desk. I really don’t want to go to this meeting. I really really really don’t.

Barkentin’s Sure-Fire Plan for Dealing With Meetings™:

1) Go to meeting

2) Draw pictures of blood elves on your tablet

hey lance

hey lance


“youre so lucky that you can draw”

yyeah it was all luck and not at all grueling and emotionally exhausting practice kind of like how olympians are lucky that theyre so good at sports

hclark70: jidanetribal: Progress! In terms of the new place. The stags in the kitchen window will get company from these lovely trophies. And while painting the living room in cappucino, I derped and plastered “art” on the wall. lol oh god lol



Progress! In terms of the new place.

The stags in the kitchen window will get company from these lovely trophies. And while painting the living room in cappucino, I derped and plastered “art” on the wall.

lol oh god lol



latinwords: This has been sitting open and unfinished in SAI since Valentine’s Day and it’s literally the last and only thing I’ve drawn in the past seven days. how  art


This has been sitting open and unfinished in SAI since Valentine’s Day and it’s literally the last and only thing I’ve drawn in the past seven days.

how  art

illyriel: With book in hand and pat on the head by =Zafs91 Here it is, and it’s amazing! Mine and my fiancé’s comission to Zafs91. Loving it. So much. 


With book in hand and pat on the head by =Zafs91

Here it is, and it’s amazing! Mine and my fiancé’s comission to Zafs91. Loving it. So much.