pretty sure vampires dgaf about family ties at all and just fuck whoever
plus aren’t the rules of shipping anything just
- are they hot
- did they look in each other’s general direction
and if they meet both of those criteria they are 100% hard gay for each other
even if it’s a heterosexual ship, they are 100% hard gay for each other
#and fuck those aren’t even mandatory #they can just be hot #or just glance at each other
hard gay alwaysalways
half of my dashboard is tvd feels because of you and i don’t even know a god damn thing about that show, but i can tell that these men and these women, they are hard gay for each other
their gay can be felt throughout the cosmos
also one of them is dead and didn’t want to be
sometimes i will be tediously writing a post about how someone is WRONG and how pink elves can’t turn into cats because fuck you they need to be purple and i suddenly feel this heavy weight upon my heart, like nothing will ever be happy again
and i realize, somewhere
mama lesbian is lashing about in anguish because this pretty hard gay girl is dead
well of course pink elves cant turn into cats
the cats are purple
we cant have pink elves turning into purple cats
theres just not enough magic for that