We all have that ONE anime, that ruined our life.
He’s dead. However, credit where it’s due, he hasn’t let that stop him.
I think it was a bit presumptuous for the architect to assume I wanted a kitchen with my apartment and make me pay for it. My home is a place of peace. I don’t want to live with red hot heating elements and razor sharp knives. That sounds like a torture chamber.
How I Gave Up Alternating Current | Mostly Harmless
wondering about the kind of people clamoring for Soylent, the meal-replacement drink? here they are!
(”I have not done laundry in years. I get my clothing custom made in China for prices you would not believe and have new ones regularly shipped to me. Shipping is a problem. I wish container ships had nuclear engines but it’s still much more efficient and convenient than retail. Thanks to synthetic fabrics it takes less water to make my clothes than it would to wash them, and I donate my used garments, helping out those in need.”)
GOD I will never understand people like this
(via rouxfully)

John weighs in.
(via lifesgrandparade)
My god… I’m just going to posting quotes from this all day now.
(via mattgorman)
“I have not set foot in a grocery store in years. Nevermore will I bumble through endless confusing aisles like a pack-donkey searching for feed while the smell of rotting flesh fills my nostrils and fluorescent lights sear my eyeballs and sappy love songs torture my ears.”
(via ryanvoid)
“As I mature I find myself optimizing for peace instead of posturing, conservation over consumption. Opulence in asceticism.“
This reads like this satirical post on The Toast.
(via nextyearsgirl)
The best part about this is all that really happens is he shifted his carbon footprint to people around him so he doesn’t have to think about it,
That he [Illidan] is not just a villain, that he had an actually super heroic mission to rid the universe of the burning legion. We were able kinda get under the hood a little bit and really craft a tale that I think really brings out his character and his history in a way that fans haven’t seen before.
(via the-demon-huntress)
I resist the world, I suffer from what it demands of me, from its demands. The world increases my sadness, my dryness, my confusion, my irritation, etc. The world depresses me. Everyone is “extremely nice”—and yet I feel entirely alone.
I use my free action to call him a little bitch
As the last notes of “Oh, Canada” fade into the distance, you all feel the slight taste of maple syrup in your mouths.
If you’re not suspicious of me, you’re not paying attention.
what the hell is wrong with this queue?
You didn’t see more Horde than Alliance in Warlords, you saw more Orcs. Those Orcs were Iron Horde, not Horde.