
Is a mystery satchel with something dumb in it /really/ worth this much trouble?

ancient tank and healer proverb (via comforthawk)

Tev is a big elf bara how the fuck is he not hot


The latest alpha build added NPCs that allow you to queue for older content, such as Dragon Soul Raid Finder, Mists of Pandaria Raid Finder, and Mists of Pandaria Scenarios.

You can queue by yourself or with a group for all of this content, and whoever is in the group will be able to enter the instance. There is no automatic matchmaking.

MMO Champ 

This pleases me greatly, I got alts who are REAL sad to have missed out on some old LFR transmog gear!

(via calephelis)

Get out of the fucking fire!

Old healers proverb

But my vengeance!
-Old Tank proverb.

please be as weird as me please be as weird as me please be as weird as me

me every time I meet someone (via miel-lapin)

Food doesn’t taste better or worse when documented by Instagram. Laughter is as genuine over Skype as it would be sharing a sofa. Pay attention. Take in nature, hold someone’s hand, read a book. But don’t ever apologize for snapping a photo of a sunrise after a hike, or blogging about the excitement of having a crush, or updating your goodreads account. All of these things are good and should be celebrated. Smile at strangers on the sidewalk and like your friends’ selfies. It’s all good for the human spirit.

cogitoergoblog on Facebook  (via fawun)

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

RIP Maya Angelou. I will never forget how you made me feel (via kawrage)

we want him to knight us with his longsword and that’s totally not gay

blizzard’s feelings on varian wrynn (via fitzefitcher)