Tag: World of Warcraft

Q: Is Hellfire Citadel the last raid of the expansion?
A: It’s currently planned. I think that’s the way we look at it– it’s kind of like the wrap up. It’s hard to beat someone like Archimonde for a boss. As players know he’s a pretty amazing guy to be able to fight. And I think it’s clear to people who have played the story line, they saw Tanaan Jungle at the beginning of their experience, and they’re kind of wrapping back around to it. Anything can happen between now and what we do next, but yeah I think we see it as that kind of pinnacle of where players are getting to.



But as we got into telling that story, as we got into exploring where it would take us,and exactly how the next raid would work, it increasingly– we didn’t think that would be a satisfying way to go. Some of it is that that players had just finished a raid zone, largely full of orcs […]




Anyone else notice this? Vol’mar and Lion’s watch are in the same places as Thrallmar and Honor hold.

Anyone else notice this? Vol’mar and Lion’s watch are in the same places as Thrallmar and Honor hold.

so smoll

so smoll

Look how smug Gul’dan is.

Look how smug Gul’dan is.

WELP, found the guy who ruined it for everyone

WELP, found the guy who ruined it for everyone