Tag: time delay


Back to the artfight schedule with @nyrafernvale ’s Laerys, a barbarian strix!! bird characters are neat

Y’all know artfight crushed my back but I had fun with the few fullbodies I managed to get in! I just can’t resist a winged character, what can I say~

As always, reblogs are appreciated!



Hey folks, if you want to fight back against the twitterfication of tumblr USE IT LIKE IT’S TUMBLR!!!!!! REBLOG THINGS!!!!!! USE THE TAGS TO SCREAM AT YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!

Woke up to this having more reblogs than likes! Keep it going! Do it on every post! REBLOG THINGS ON THE REBLOGGING THINGS SITE!


old pictures

Basenji is a caravan bashi who received this title after the death of his father.
Young, full of teenage temper, Basenji strives to become the best leader of his caravan and lead it to a better future.

Maggiore’s younger brother.