having sex with your friends is so very normal please stop poisoning the youths minds with shame surrounding hooking up with your friends. especially if you’re gay
people are so fucking mad in the notes that adults have sex with each other and aren’t married sometimes. yall are carbon copies of your conservative parents and you’re so proud of it. ewwww
calling the sex I have with my friends “hookup culture” is insulting and incorrect. these are guys who take care of me and take me on dates and watch fun movies with me. being a disabled faggot too, they help me clean my place and take my trash out for me. they care for me and are on my emergency contact lists. trying to slap the label of “todays hookup culture!!!” on it is diminishing and devaluing those relationships
secondly, gay and bi men have been fucking all their friends and cruising and hooking up with total strangers since LLOOONGGGG before you were born and will continue doing so LLOOONGGG after you die. it’s never been a trend or a fad for us. It’s just a way of life for some of us and you aren’t going to change that by being disgusted by it