Tag: tev’s art

I can’t believe this, he’s gotta take someone out on a lunch date and you’re out here distracting him.

Tev’s a part-time quadruped but, he hasn’t quite mastered standing on hooves.

On the plus side: his concerns about riding horseback are solved!

Tev may keep his sense of self, but that also means keeping the knowledge of exactly what he’s capable of, and the little voice in the back of his head that worries over little control he really has over what what’s happening to him.

“Of COURSE there’s enough ambient magic around here to do that. Next time I’ll warn Tevruden ahead of time.”

“…I think I’ll wait to explain what a Lynel is, at least until after he stops yelling about how slippery hooves are..”

“Of COURSE there’s enough ambient magic around here to do that. Next time I should warn Tevruden ahead of time.”

“…I think I’ll wait to explain what a Lynel is, at least until after he stops yelling about how slippery hooves are.”

Tevruden is getting a poolside vacation, and the Royal Alchemist has learned his improperly stored fish sauce has become a magical reagent (sort of)