Tevruden by madeinhellism
Tevruden by madeinhellism
So I’ve had the following sitting around in pixelmator for months now. Tevruden sometime in mid-Wrath One day I will finish it
So I’ve had the following sitting around in pixelmator for months now.
Tevruden sometime in mid-Wrath
One day I will finish it
#it’s not an OC until you’ve brutally maimed them, #either physically emotionally or psychologically, obviously

But then this probably doesn’t count because he ~scourge magic~‘ed his armback on later. (After beating a guy to death with it. (His arm has runes on it, therefore it counts as a runeweapon))
barkentin: Wrathion tries to feel Tev up
I’m just going to put this here. This is all dante’s fault. (Sources here and here)
It’s guy love, between two guys.
bringing this back, and I blame froo
Elvis the Siamese Will Not Be Ignored
Georgia’s nine year old Siamese cat, Elvis, does not stand for being ignored. This video is just a small glimpse of what goes on when Georgia tries to work from home.
omg bb
To be fair, that’s my response to being asked if I want a cookie, too.
darkersolstice: malkavianacts: tombiktexas: one of my dream tea sets. original and bloody. ㅋㅋ Need There are people who follow me for whom this will have meaning.
one of my dream tea sets. original and bloody. ㅋㅋ
There are people who follow me for whom this will have meaning.