Tag: Tevruden


having a violence kink is the best thing because it’s like. someone wants to punch me in the face?? beat the shit out of me???? haha joke’s on them now their hand hurts and i have a boner

Do Hearthstones exist? If so, are there limitations? Does your character have multiple set to bring them to preferred locations? Does your character have only a few mounts they use regularly, or do they have vast stables filled with creatures they’ve collected? When you dismount, where does your mount go?

Do Hearthstones exist? If so, are there limitations?
Does your character have multiple set to bring them to preferred locations?

They do, Tev had one before he died, but it got lost in the shuffle after he was died and raised as a Death Knight. When used in actual plot, death gates seem to be way more flexible than “Opens a gate which the Death Knight can use to return to Ebon Hold.” so I figure that Tev primarily uses those for transportation over long distances, or whenever he needs to make a quick escape.

Does your character have only a few mounts they use regularly, or do they have vast stables filled with creatures they’ve collected?

The only two mounts that Tev has that are canon are his deathcharger, Retribution: 

And the Frostwyrm, Kragos:

When you dismount, where does your mount go?

Retribution is more like a summon, when Tev needs to ride him, he’s called from the Shadowlands, and when he’s done with him Tev sends him back there. It’s probably a bit more involved than the 1.5 second cast time that the game has, so Tev will keep him around if he may need him later.

With Kyragos, Tev had to raise him outright as a test of competency (back when he was with the Scourge), and while he’s sworn fealty to Tev, he’s an entity independent of him, and a member of the Ebon Blade in his own right. Kyragos probably just flies off to carry about his own business after he’s done with whatever it is that Tevruden needed.

themarysue: hedwig-dordt: optimysticals: squeeful: bemusedlybespectacled: maxiesatanofficial: pervocracy: kvothbloodless: macaedh: what the fuck ethan I wish i had a context for this. But I really dont. I was all ready to “um, actually” this, but, um, actually










what the fuck ethan

I wish i had a context for this. But I really dont.

I was all ready to “um, actually” this, but, um, actually there’s about 3-4 grams of iron in a person, which x400 is 1.2-1.6kg, which is a smallish but not unreasonable sword. So. Math checks out.

How would you extract the iron, though? The more practical solution would be to kill a mere hundred men, then mix 1 part blood with 3 parts standard molten iron, imo. Cheaper and faster, while still retaining the edge that only evil magic can give you.

Or, you could just make the sword of iron, and then use the blood to temper the blade.

1.2 to 1.6 kilograms is a perfectly reasonable large sword.  Your average longsword was 1.1–1.8 kg and I don’t even remember if that’s including the weight of the hilt, guard, and pommel or just the blade.  Your more classic “knight sword” was a mere 1.1 kilograms on average; the blood of 400 men is more than enough.

This is using the comparatively crappy metallurgy of medieval Europe and their meh iron swords.  Move east to, say, contemporary Iran and make a scimitar using high carbon steel (~2%) for a .75 kilogram blade and you only need the blood of about 225 men.

So putting my thoughts in on this… because how could I not.

So you’ve exsanguinated your 400 guys to get the iron for your sword. Cool. But now you have 400 bodies lying around.

Why not put those to good use and cremate them. Use the carbon from those 400 bodies (you won’t need all of them) and now you can make a nice mid-high carbon steel sword.

Now you have a sword forged with the blood of your enemies AND strengthened with their bones.

“high fantasy math” – the tag I should have expected to write some day.

I’m so proud of everyone in this post

This was basically their first date

This was basically their first date

