Why did she even raise Orgrim Doomhammer.
Why did she even raise Orgrim Doomhammer.
Tev has a little chat about Koltira with the Dark Lady while she makes eyes at Lor’themar.
Tev has a little chat about Koltira with the Dark Lady while she makes eyes at Lor’themar.
Protodrake ded
Protodrake ded
One-shot Norushen and two-shot Sha of Pride in one night.
One-shot Norushen and two-shot Sha of Pride in one night.
Well that was a kill.
Well that was a kill.
Hey here’s some pictures of the trailer for my future use
Hey here’s some pictures of the trailer for my future use
I was almost going to put Thrall’s lines into lower-case comic sans like I typically do with orcs, but I thought better.
I was almost going to put Thrall’s lines into lower-case comic sans like I typically do with orcs, but I thought better.
You know this is what he’s thinking
You know this is what he’s thinking