Tag: prince-of-gays

Tev’s pain tolerance is pretty much a bazillion and he doesn’t really feel much of that, right? If that’s true, how is his tolerance vs the Light? How much before it actually /hurts/? Does Light-induced damage to his body take longer to heal or does it permanently scar?

It’s still pretty high, and compounded with the fact that even if it doesn’t hurt, he’s not going to say that; if it’s a healer, he’s just going to growl at them to stop it. 

It probably doesn’t permanently scar, but the wounds take far more scourge magic to heal than normal.

What if Tev could regain the sort of power he had serving under his dad (but with his free will and no master to serve minus himself), but he had to kill a friend of his. Would he do it?

He’d probably ask all sorts of questions like “does it count if they’re willing to do it” and “could he bring them back?” but it’s likely that he wouldn’t if those conditions couldn’t be met. He’s already growing in power and its not like he doesn’t have the time to wait until he’s reached that sort of power on his own anyway.

Of course if he can find a willing participant, then sure