Tag: OC:tevruden

If you’re wondering why I’ve been quiet lately, Tevruden has been, well….

A bit tied up with things.

Get snoofed.

Its fine, the email notification would have covered the screen and Dante would have had to re-do that level anyway.


FFXIV Commission for Tev, thanks so much! 🗡️💨

Tevruden’s change into his dragon form is never consistent, especially with the wings.

Sometimes it’s current arms into wings, sometimes it’s growing new wings.

I know shark week was last week but given Voidyboy’s origins?

Its not an opportunity I could pass up.

Not entirely sure where Tev went for his vacation yesterday, but I doubt he’s gonna recommend it now that he needs a flea collar

I don’t think dragons are particularly common were Tev hails from. A generalized lack of interest in civilization, and the fact they’re generally building-sized, means you’re not going to see them walking down the street or at the grocery store.

Of course, “usually” isn’t “never” so Tevruden isn’t even the only dragon in the palace.

Its either the court wizard or the tailor.

We’re nooot quite sure yet