Look at how many fucks I don’t give
Look at how many fucks I don’t give
WoW Comic – Pandemonium by *Lukali
They put in the dance animation.
They put in the dance animation.
You also won’t be able to use a faction-specific pet, mount, or title on the wrong faction. The achievement wouldn’t go away — you just wouldn’t be able to show it off on that character.
Aww no more standing around Varian w/ my Horde baloon.
On a flight path through Pandaria.
On a flight path through Pandaria.
So I was going to yell at Anduin
For coming all the way out to Pandaria to do this:

But then he pulled the following spoilery thing and I respect him a lot more for it

LIGHTNING QUICK REFLEXES (were used to take this screenshot)
(were used to take this screenshot)
Oh god I hope so
Oh god I hope so