Why yes. I do have to use Control Undead on every undead mob I encounter.
Why yes. I do have to use Control Undead on every undead mob I encounter.
replied to your photoset “Ahh yes, a death knight should know what this is. Its not like Kyragos…”
Your undead dragon dude is rad and I officially request more shots of him looking into the camera like in the office, sick of azeroths baloney.

“That wasn’t even the worst of it! Someone in Agmar’s Hammer, wanted me to go to Koltira Deathweaver– Tevruden’s superior officer– and have him translate a Scourge tome. As if I wasn’t perfectly capable of telling that it was a list ofCult of the Damned members.”
“It wasn’t even anything interesting like a necromancer’s spellbook.”
In which I give Tev’s mount a humanoid form, and an outfit.
In which I give Tev’s mount a humanoid form, and an outfit.
Meanwhile I find a sweet model that I can use as a reference for Kyragos
Meanwhile I find a sweet model that I can use as a reference for Kyragos
Tev prefers to wield his runeblade in his left hand but is equally proficient with both.
Having raised him, Tev still has the ability to exert his will on Kyragos, but honestly it’s just much easier to ask him to do stuff.
Unless he’s just killed someone, Tev’s armor is spotless.
Even when his armor is spotless, he still smells like death.
reblogged your photo and added:
DK’s with Frostbrood buddies 5ever <3
#Evan has a dead dragon friend#tho she tends to chill out in northrend#she visits sometimes#tho she desguises herself#can’t have a massive frost dragon wandering about#people might flip their shit
Tevruden raised Kyragos while he was still a part of the Scourge as a competence test. (He was the one Tev rode in the one quest in the DK starting zone.) After Arthas was killed, Tev released Kyragos from his service, but both of them are butts and Kyragos basically followed Tev around Northrend for a month until Tev agreed to take him on as basically his squire.
Despite both of them being butts, Kyragos has a way better attitude than Tev.
Bonus picture:

(Kyragos when taking humanoid form, looks like he’s in his late teens early twenties for an elf, and is maybe 5-5½ft.)
how does tev feel about using familiars (like gargoyles and ghouls)?
Just in general? He feels that ghouls are pretty dumb. The closest thing he has to one regularly is his Frostwyrm, Kyragos.