Tag: come on if you’re hard enough

prince-of-gays: lot of stuff fucked up w/ this but it’s a fun doodle at least kanrethad ‘s tali dressed up as jinx from LoL


lot of stuff fucked up w/ this but it’s a fun doodle at least

kanrethad ‘s tali dressed up as jinx from LoL

prince-of-gays: i did this like what seems forever ago but i actually added in his goatee and stopped being a scumfuck


i did this like what seems forever ago but i actually added in his goatee and stopped being a scumfuck

prince-of-gays: nice legs, daisy dukes, makes a man go “suffer well, brother” ??? idk death knights in daisy dukes specifically tev (dumb 5 min doodle)


nice legs, daisy dukes, makes a man go “suffer well, brother”


idk death knights in daisy dukes

specifically tev

(dumb 5 min doodle)