Tag: aegnas

deadtrae: Wanted to practice more faces, thus I borrow not-my-characters again. :3 There’s a lot of things that bug me about these but considering how I figured they’d turn out (see: not at all) I’m pretty happy. :D Apologies for anyone that doesn’t quite look like their


Wanted to practice more faces, thus I borrow not-my-characters again. :3 There’s a lot of things that bug me about these but considering how I figured they’d turn out (see: not at all) I’m pretty happy. 😀 Apologies for anyone that doesn’t quite look like their PBs. I’ll get there eventually. XD

deadtrae: Oops more Death Knights. I wanted to try drawing Aegnas. This is the Aegnas that lives in my head. WHATCHA FROWNIN’ ABOUT HUH.


Oops more Death Knights.

I wanted to try drawing Aegnas. This is the Aegnas that lives in my head. WHATCHA FROWNIN’ ABOUT HUH.