Tag: A very high quality lizard


y6 Dragon dad Kiryu


I was a bit stressed recently so I drew some noodle as a therapy 


more doodles from the fun ttrpg game im in where we are all dragons and my pc has a big dragon brother 


Twilight Dragon Tesperxia commission. 
Absolutely loved doing this one. Love the purple dragons lots. 


Reference for my void dragon character, Kantaroth!


Some more Elden Ring artwork I did last year! Coel is my spouse’s tarnished, and Graer is a dragon oc I came up with the second I found out the lore canonically allows for Elden Ring dragons to take humanoid forms,

Coel and Graer met when the masters of Volcano Manor wanted to compel Graer (the Totally Human Mage) to finally pick a side instead of interacting with all sides.  Spoilers, it ended with Coel chosing to server under Graer/join the dragons instead.