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Fuck Varian’s armor. Seriously  It’s worse than Tev’s

Fuck Varian’s armor.


It’s worse than Tev’s

Darkspear Revolution (I guess this counts as RP Talk Time)


Seeing as this is a big deal to a lot of people, I am sitting here thinking of how characters would interact with this. What would your characters stances be in this? 

Would they take the side of Hellscream and fight for his Horde? Would they be forced into his duty and remain loyal? Or would they be willing to remain?

Would they take the side of the Revolutionaries and fight for their Horde? Would it be of their own will or would it be the will of a collective around them?

Tevruden has very little skin in this game. Darkspear or Kor’kron could occupy Orgrimmar and it doesn’t affect him. Heck, even the Alliance could and he wouldn’t care, the Quel’dorei and humans were on good terms when he died.

Tev will probably side with whoever the rest of the Sin’dorei just because of the relative ease of the Sunreaver campaign (which is probably the rebellion.)

ragewang: hi bye






i think it happens on any realm that has semi-regular ulduar runs

because iirc the speech is started by someone turning in the quest item that drops of algalon? or. something like that. i never got the thing so idk for sure

Yeah, turning in Reply-Code Alpha starts a whole RP event (that usually ends up with me dropping whatever I am doing and throwing a mana-bomb at Rhonin.)

Holystu by Ramavatarama

Holystu by Ramavatarama

Holy shit, the Shado-pan are hardcore:

“Of course, you can refuse the mercy I have extended and confirm Tao-Long’s suspicions. And then we willtake the scroll from you, as well as your life. But don’t think that this means we will simply kill you, thief. When the Shado-pan take your life, it means that your life comes into our possession. We will bind you, take your eyes, your feet, and all but two of your fingers so that you can feed yourself. Then you will be strapped to a mount and carried to our monastery high in Kun-Lai Summit. Upon your arrival, you will be placed on an ice-rimmed ledge to wait for our Truthseekers.”

how the fuck do varian’s bracers work ojfi0q982ojweokapo

how the fuck do varian’s bracers work ojfi0q982ojweokapo