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A crate containing 28,000 rubber ducks was lost at sea in 1992.

Scientists have been tracking them for years, subsequently learning a metric shit ton about the tides and currents of earth’s oceans. (source)

This is what their path looks like:

THAT is the function of a rubber duck, Mr. Weasley.

kaemrys: vonds: NEVER trust a paladin who gives you this look just be like OH NO YOU DON’T CAPTAIN FRIENDLY because he is either about to tell you about his church or try to mack on you then start crying LOLwtf.



NEVER trust a paladin who gives you this look just be like OH NO YOU DON’T CAPTAIN FRIENDLY because he is either about to tell you about his church or try to mack on you then start crying



I have a list of things I need to do tonight:

1. Go to Giant and pick up a box of orange cream popsicles  and pretend I’m 5 and eat the whole bag. 

2. Fix my damn monk. I STILL don’t understand why his healing is so shitty. I don’t want to invest gems into PvP gear that he has right now since I’ll replace it with PvE stuff and then take him to LFR… but his spells are only ticking for 4-5K and it’s pissing me the fuck off. 

I think part of it may be that I still have a bit of agility gear on him so it’ll affect his output, but I think I reforged wrong. 

3. RP with people.

I need to run dungeons with my paladin for gear and valor.


I submit that tumblr picks a new race every week to draw in hoodies (or some other modern clothing article of choice). That is my opinion.

taz-dingo: whoa i love romantic Worgen!!


whoa i love romantic Worgen!!

Need more trolls like this

Need more trolls like this