

Today I went on a Warcraft ADVENTURE.

So I’m flying from Astranaar to Azure Watch when my dungeon queue pops. After I’m done, I’m plopped back on my hippogryph, but I shortly notice I’m not flying toward Teldrassil anymore. In fact, I’m flying AWAY from it, and toward the cliffs surrounding Darkshore, which do not seem to be concerning my mount in any way.


It’s around this time that I realize something may be wrong.

Yes, my hippogryph seems to be a: drunk, b: in possession of a seriously misguided idea of where Azure Watch is, and c: no longer bound by the laws of physics, which I’m sure you will agree is a very dangerous combination indeed. 


We continue our underground tour of Kalimdor by flying under Felwood, Mount Hyjal, and all the way out through Azshara.


But we don’t stop there, oh no. This is a bird with a mission. It knows where Azure Watch is, and BY GOD it will get me there.


Goodbye, Kalimdor! Goodbye, actual parts of the game that exist!


“FUCK BOATS,” my hippogryph declares. “WHO FUCKING NEEDS ‘EM?”


And here we have my final picture. The hippogryph has done it. It has taken me to what it is sure is Azure Watch, but which is in actuality a literally empty patch of the Great Sea. It rears in triumph, and then drops me into the nothingness, where I am promptly disconnected. 


I actually got a GM response quite quickly, and when I got back on Ariadne, I found myself in the Stockade, of all places.


I assume this is because of the GM’s assurance that my hippogryph had been “properly punished”.