


hi everyone.

my dad passed away suddenly yesterday morning. he was the provider for our whole family. while we’re surrounded by wonderful people to help us, we’re scrambling to figure out how we’re going to pay rent, past-due bills, and funeral costs, while we continue to keep a roof over our heads.

several people have asked to donate, and as a result we’ve opted to set up a gofundme.

if you can’t donate, I understand, but if you could please reblog and spread the word, I would be more than grateful. I know it’s asking a lot, and I wasn’t raised to ask for help from people (my dad would kill me if he knew I was doing this, hahaha), but we really could use some help.

thanks everyone, and much love.

warm regards,


amy and her family are very dear friends of mine and i love them very much. i’m opening an art drive to help them: if you can donate anything to their gofundme, i’ll be glad to draw you something as thanks. just forward the email confirmation of your donation (or a screencap) to me at brocursion@gmail.com, along with a ref of whatever/whoever you’d like drawn. you can see examples of my art at oceanwrath.

I’ll do likewise; if you’d like a sketch in exchange for donations, you can also email me at tyrannical.alien@gmail.com with the confirmation/screencap and whatever you’d like me to sketch up for you.