Send in a number and a Warcraft universe OC:
- The basics. What is your character’s race, class, gender, height, build, skin/pelt color, hair color, eye color?
- What’s their full name, and is it significant in any way? Do they go by their real name? Do they have nicknames? How did they get them?
- How old are they (either exact or relative)? Where were they born? What major world events were going on at the time of their birth and childhood?
- Do they have tattoos, piercings, or other body modifications? Where and when did they get them, and what significance do these modifications have?
- How do they style their hair and facial hair if applicable? How long is it? Do they frequently change this?
- How do they usually dress when not in armor? Do they wear jewelry? How important is style and fashion to them?
- Do they have any past injuries that have noticeable lasting effects (scars, a limp, etc.)?
- What is their voice like? What’s their mother tongue, and do they speak any other languages? How thick is their accent?
- What sort of animal would you associate them with? Element? Color? Flower?
- Do they practice any customs of their race, clan/tribe, and/or current culture? How do they feel about their heritage? How do they relate to the common culture of their region?
- How do they fit in with the gender roles and expectations within their culture?
- Do they follow a particular religion or belief system? How serious are they about it, and how does it affect their day-to-day life?
- Pick a MBTI personalty type for them and describe why it fits them.
- What are the strongest aspects of their personality? The weakest?
- What makes them lose their temper? Are they prone to anxiety or stress? Are they calm under pressure? Do they cry easily?
- Do they have any unpopular opinions?
- Do they have any particular personality quirks or idiosyncrasies?
- Do they have any hobbies outside of their class and/or trade? How do they spend their free time?
- Pick a different playable race. In some alternative reality where they are this race instead, how would their character differ?
- Do they have any habits? Do they overuse any particular word or phrase?
- What are they most afraid of? What about irrational fears?
- Are they working toward any particular life goal or dream? How close are they to achieving it?
- What is their faction affiliation? Has it ever changed? How do they feel about their faction?
- How do they feel about the leadership of their faction? Other factions?
- Have they met any of the lore figures? How did the interaction go?
- What do they do for a living?
- Who taught them their class and/or trade?
- What’s their skill level in their class and/or trade?
- Is there a particular in-game spell or ability of their class they excel at? Are there any they just can’t do for the life of them?
- How is their cooking skill? Do they like to cook?
- What are their favorite foods? Do they get to enjoy them often? Most hated foods?
- What kind of weather do they like? Hate? What sort of temperatures do they manage the best? The worst?
- Do they drink alcohol or partake in any other drugs for recreation? For spiritual reasons?
- What is their favorite place in Azeroth, Outland, or Draenor?
- Do they have any pets (hunter or companion) or mounts? How did they get them?
- Are they trained in riding? Who taught them? What sorts of animals or vehicles do they know how to ride? What about flying?
- Describe how they feel about the playable races of the Horde.
- Describe how they feel about the playable races of the Alliance.
- Describe how they feel about other controversial classes, such as mages, warlocks, shaman, or the various versions of priests and paladins.
- Who are their role models? Do they look up to any of the lore figures?
- Have they ever met a dragon?
- Have they ever met an Ancient, demigod, Naaru, or other powerful entity like that?
- What part of history would they most like to go back and witness or experience?
- Do they have a permanent home? Describe it. A house they own? What kind of home did they grow up in?
- Describe their parents, siblings, and other significant family. Are they in contact with them, and how is their relationship with them?
- Who do they count among their friends? Do they have a best friend?
- Do they have children? Do they want them? Would they adopt? Would they adopt outside their race?
- What is their sexual orientation? How do they feel about romance? Sex?
- What kind of physical features do they find attractive? Personality traits?
- Do they have any relationship deal breakers, such as a bad habit or stubborn opinion they cannot look past?
- Would they ever date or sleep with a member of another race? Another faction?
- Is there a particular thing about the physiology of another playable race that attracts them (horns, tusks, tails, glowing eyes, etc.)?
- How dominant or submissive are they in bed? Top, bottom, switch? Any particular sex acts or kinks they’re partial to?
- Are they married or in a serious relationship? If not, do they want to be?
- How did they meet their significant other(s)?
- What do they fight about with their significant other(s)? How are these fights ultimately resolved?
- What’s their sexual and/or romantic history like?
- What kind of date do they like to go on, or would like to go on?
- How would someone court this character if they were interested in them?
- Do they have a crush on any lore figure?
- Describe an embarrassing moment that makes them cringe when they remember it.
- Describe the happiest moment of their life.
- Describe their clearest childhood memory.
- Describe an event they weren’t sure they’d survive.
- Describe a significant material gift they’ve given or received.
- What is the biggest lie they’ve ever told, and what were the consequences?
- Retell an event in their life in their voice, as they would tell it.
- Describe the contents of their pack, bag, or purse.
- Do they have a secret or opinion they’ll take to the grave?
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on any major event occurring before the Dark Portal was opened (Pre-Warcraft).
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on the events around the First War (WC1).
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on the events around the Second War (WC2).
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on the events around the Third War (WC3).
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on the events of vanilla World of Warcraft.
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on the events of the Burning Crusade expansion.
- How did they feel upon first stepping into Outland when the portal was reopened?
- Did they work closely with any of the Outland factions?
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on the events of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
- What was their first impression of Northrend?
- Was anyone close to them risen as a death knight? Did they regain their minds, or did your character have to fight them?
- Did they work closely with any of the Northrend factions?
- Did they attend or participate in the Argent Tournament?
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on the events of the Cataclysm expansion.
- Where were they and what were they doing when Deathwing shattered the world?
- Did they lose anyone close to them in the ensuing destruction?
- Did they work closely with any of the factions of the Cataclysm expansion?
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on the events of the Mists of Pandaria expansion.
- Were they on one of the first voyages to Pandaria, or did they travel there afterwards, if at all?
- Did they work closely with any of the factions of Pandaria?
- What was their first impression of the pandaren? Either the Tushui or Huojin pandaren, or the natives from the mainland.
- Do the teachings of any of the August Celestial especially resonate with them?
- Were they affected by any of the Sha? Which one(s) and how? Why?
- Did they ever meet Wrathion? What is their opinion of him?
- How did the events leading up to and involving the siege of Orgrimmar affect them?
- What fate would they decide for Garrosh Hellscream if it were up to them?
- If applicable, describe their involvement, memories, influence, and thoughts on the events of the Warlords of Draenor expansion.
- How do they feel about the fact that multiple universes exist, possibly with different versions of themselves and loved ones?
- How did they feel when they first arrived in alternative Draenor?
- What were their first impressions of the native orcs and/or draenei of alternative Draenor? The Arakkoa?
- For orc and draenei characters: does their alternative self exist on Draenor? If they don’t, what events caused their birth to never occur? If they do, are they alive, or how did they die? Does your character meet them?