
Sometimes I hate teaching art.

And it’s not because the art isn’t good, or that the student lacks potential.

It’s how fucking easy everyone gives up.

It’s how people expect perfection the first time they touch a new material. It’s how every single student wants to do some massively complicated full painting right off the bat. I hate how tense and nervous people are about art.

You want some advice? I’ll give it to you.

Stop expecting perfection.

Stop being angry when your first try doesn’t match what’s in your head.

Stop jumping the shark, and take time to practice just.. using the medium. Do you know what I do when I get a new medium? I spend a bunch of time just.. fucking around with it. What’s it feel like when I’m doing thick layers, or thin.. when I use oil or alcohol or water or weird ass mediums. Does it paint on glass? What about stone? Just enjoy the medium and let your grand ideas sit by the wayside. They’ll get done eventually, but you’re wasting a lot of time and frustrating yourself if you don’t just… step back and enjoy the medium.

You don’t have to be perfect right from the get go. You shouldn’t even THINK you should be perfect. You should just.. be excited to try a new medium. The fancy ass paintings will come in time.

Stop freaking out, slow down. Breathe. Stop trying to micromanage your art.