

Hey uh…. I have posted this on my main before but, I’m going to link my mom’s gofundme again here…. and if you want to donate to me here is my kofi…. but just got a 3 days “pay or move” notice….. Which means I will be without a home or workspace… (i know) again. My moms gofundme goal says 4k but in reality we just need $1500 by the end of the day… We have both been scrambling to stay afloat since we got the house, but emergency medical bills for emergency tumors, and a certain father refusing to pay child support has done a number on us this month… We make very little money, so there was no way for us to recover from this months happenings without help… so if anyone wants to boost or lend a hand that would be helpful.

I already owe like, tons of money trying to keep this family alive so loans are out of the question. If I could have any more jobs and take any more commissions I would, but right now I am sort of stuck…

it’s all on me to get the money together… so really…if you can help please..