
Call your arms and raise your banners, for soon we march!!!

NOV. 14-20 2016 – WE RIDE!!!

Magic Meat Week 2016 is just around the corner. Join us in a celebration of equal opportunity fantasy and sci-fi cheesecake. Our mission here at MMW is to correct the horribly imbalanced distribution of impractical yet sexy armor and get-ups placed upon women from the battle strewn plains of Evondell to the network of space stations orbiting Klaktor 7. 

Look, we love sexy fantasy costumes but recognize there is a time and a place. For women it shouldn’t be the default, and for men it shouldn’t be infrequent to the point of nonexistence. So join us as we subvert the male gaze!

And please read this pertinent note from the movement’s creator Amanda Sharpe:

“Try to keep in mind that this is not intended to be mockery. It’s not “ha ha isn’t it funny if male characters wear feminine clothing and/or pose in feminine ways.” That type of humor is transphobic and not what Magic Meat Week is about! We’re here to take back sexy fantasy art from the straight male gaze, because men can be sexy too!

So I encourage you to draw some hot stuff and enjoy it! I’m not saying masculine characters can’t wear feminine things, but do it because it’s sexy and fun, not because it’s a joke to you.

Enjoy your beefcake!”

So get ready, and when Nov. 14th rolls around start posting those bad boys, and tagging them #Magic Meat Week or submit them straight to the blog!