…..You do realize the guild is run by a DK main?
Wait wait wait wait wait…so…their big…”drops the mic” moment…without the “the” obviously. Is that they, in their infinite wisdom, manage to observe NAY! WITNESS AND PROCLAIM! Is that Remorseless Winter…is a name of a Death Knight Spell and ALSO…your guild name.
That isn’t a drop the mic moment, albeit without the “the”. Its a “Well no shit, Sherlock.” moment. It’s a “Captain Obvious, strikes again.” moment. Either whisper to ask to join or keep moving.
RIGHT? Like oh my god, did he want a medal for his genius in pointing out the obvious?
I didn’t even justify it with a reply, wasn’t worth the time. But *golf clap* to this trade chat dunce here.
Telseu of Tradechat, 2017: Remorseless Winter is a Death Knight Spell. :::drops (the) mic:::
garbagedk of Remorseless Winter, 2017:
Wait wait, a guy named Redmourne, who plays a Death Knight has a guild that’s the name of a Death Knight spell.
And this is somehow a problem?