


You guys, like, understand that the President, Biden, can’t just make up any law he wants as he goes along, right? You guys know that right? He’s the executive branch. It’s the legislative branch (Congress) that makes the laws. Biden just signs them. Like he can suggest laws and try to get them through, yes. But it takes a vote from Congress (House and Senate both) for a bill to become a law.

Here. I have a video. Y’all like videos.

Also:  no, Dems don’t have a majority in the Senate.  The Senate is actually evenly divided 50/50, and most bills require 60 votes to pass, because of the filibuster.  Nobody’s paying attention to it, but there are many, many great bills that pass the House and die in the Senate because Republicans refuse to vote for anything that might actually help people.

When you call out “the government” for not doing anything, call out the folks that are actually responsible for that gridlock.  They are the Republican Party.

And when you refuse to vote blue no matter who because they are all the same, this is what you get. Which is something you need to learn now before Senate seats are voted on this coming November! Or they are going to vote in more Republicans and any chance we could have had for good will be gone! You get what you give! If you give nothing to get nothing. And all that’s asked of you is to take the time to vote!