

My group was stuck on stone guard for a long time (we raid three times a week) and it we have some of the most wipes on the stone guard cause of stupid reasons.

Like our healer complaining that he’s being chained to a melee and refuses to move cause ‘his job is more important than the dps’

I think that everyone has an equally important role. If dps can’t dps then the boss will never die. So idk why he says people are less important for him to stop one cast an just move a little.

Also cause the doge swapping going crazy and blowing two petrifications at a time. 🙁

i feel like it’s easier for the dps to move during a big ol’ cast— like if I’m popping Divine Hymn, hell, that melee better get his ass out here because I’m not wasting my biggest healing CD. but if it’s just prayer of healing? naw im movin in. plus if it IS divine hymn i can just call it out in vent

our only problem is hitting the enrage now and we raid once a week so eh we doin ok

My favorite stone guard kill was our first one, since we hit the enrage timer just as we downed the boss.

(I died right after that)