
Lies Within now has a fan discord server! Get your invite here 

The Lies Within discord will be a general chat/art sharing server for readers and friends, with an extra super secret channel where I’ll post EARLY COMIC UPDATES to patrons aaaaand folks on gumroad.


I’m making early updates available via gumroad if you aren’t down with paying the new 40 cent fee over on patreon, or just aren’t happy with how the company has handled the rollout of their new changes. It’s $1/mo!

Follow the link to subscribe to my gumroad service

Subscribers will see an extra channel in the discord server where I will post weekly updates alongside my locked patreon posts, which are pages 2 weeks in advance of what’s going live every week. This is currently the only patreon reward I will be offering outside of patreon.

Essentially, you can join the server, and let me know if you’re subscribing via gumroad or patreon and I’ll toss you subscriber access!

If you want to join the server to talk in general chat or share your art in the art dumps channel, please feel free! It’s not a completely private server and I love chatting with folks. 🙂

It’s clunky, but it’s the best thing I can currently think of, when it comes to needing to send out weekly updates and stay up to date with who is and is not a subscriber, so it’s what I’m going with for the time being.