
Commission for barkentin of the ‘wall o’ steel’ Tev!

“I hate it when we have to go back to the compound,” Miranis grumbled, ambling along beside Lorien and picking idly at one of his ears. “It’s always the same.”

“Hm,” Lorien said, as usually non-commital as she ever was.

“You know why, right?”


“You’re just saying that to shut me up.”


Miranis looked skyward, praying to whatever spirits gave out patience to hand him some more in buckets, then as his eyes lowered he saw precisely what he wasn’t wanting to see. Great. Tev was by the armoury, polishing up one of his pauldrons that likely had been dented in a fight, the death knight was fastidious about such things. Tucking his hands behind his head, he watched as Lorien went to stand next to him, trying to retrieve her sword from where she’d left it with the smith for repairs.

“Hey,” Tev grunted.

“Hello,” Lorien responded, a standard response.

Then the silence began. It was bad. They just stared at each other, as if trying to decide what would be the next best thing to say. In Tev’s case, Miranis was sure he was searching for some snappy one liner. In Lorien’s case though… well that distant look in her eyes probably indicated she was busy thinking about his eyebrows, she had a tendency to focus on irrelevant stuff.

Finally, Tev broke it, “I see you’re not dead.” He half grinned, Tev was one of those few who were regaining some sense of self. “Not bad, considering you’re-“

“But I am,” Lorien returned, matter of factly, stabbing right through the conversation. “That’s the entire point.”

“No, I meant-”

“Were you making an attempt at some snarky joke about my title?”

“What, no, I would never-”


“N…Never… I… wait…” He began to look frustrated, “Stop derailing this conversation, Lorien.”


“Lorien!” Miranis had the distinct impression that is Tev could stamp a foot without looking foolish or petulant, he would. Lorien had that maddening effect on everyone. “Ye Gods, I knew you before we-”

“Died horrifically.”

“Yes – no – stop it!”

“Nice talking to you, Tev,” she added, dropping the entire conversation and walking back to where Miranis stood, giving the remaining blood elf a pitying look. Tev seemed like he was going to add dents quietly back into his pauldron. “What’s wrong, Miranis?”

“Nothing, just…” he sighed, “Nothing.”