a child with a INTTERNET FRIENDSHhip?? no…. not possiBle…. ……. firends can only be made WITH TOUCCHING… SEEEEING…. sensaually smelling…. internet FRIDND A LIE
gIRLs? silly CHilD… THEre are nO girLS on the internet.. only FOrtY yEAR oLd meNS?!?!
A copy of Tevruden's blog because I don't Trust Like that anymore.
a child with a INTTERNET FRIENDSHhip?? no…. not possiBle…. ……. firends can only be made WITH TOUCCHING… SEEEEING…. sensaually smelling…. internet FRIDND A LIE
gIRLs? silly CHilD… THEre are nO girLS on the internet.. only FOrtY yEAR oLd meNS?!?!