Demons and monsters that torture people because they feed on human suffering are so dumb. People are suffering everywhere my guy go literally any place and take a deep whiff.
Monster that feeds on suffering becomes a professional caretaker for people with chronic pain and terminal illnesses. They can’t change the fact that these people are suffering, but they help a bit and in the meantime they’re fat and happy off that Sweet Sweet ambient pain in the air.
Two towns over there’s a demon lord trying to get their cult to abduct people for torture, but they keep getting stopped by heroes and the like, so they’re barely scraping by. Meanwhile Belogarth the Registered PCA is chowing down on back pain, medication side effects and looming mortality for eight hours a day and has become the most powerful demon on earth without realizing it.
“But don’t their clients feel weird knowing that they’re feeding off their suffering?” No they think it’s hilarious and they’re real shits about it.
Finally a medical professional who believes that they are in pain. Because the fucker is actively chowing down on your agony. Not only am I going to get treated by them I’m going to invite all of my chronically ill friends to come as well.
Turns out if you treat the pain then the humans will bring you more humans who are suffering. It’s like a restaurant where the waiter is so impressed by your ability to eat food they’re giving you more on the house
They say things like “well, it’s a real feast day for Belogarth today!” and “if my meds are held up at customs again I’m gonna put Belogarth in a food coma” and Belogarth is the one feeling weird about it
when I see something dated 2019 I think “oh that’s not too long ago” and then I remember that 2019 was not only five years ago but those five years have somehow contained several lifetimes
From left to right is Anakin from Star Wars -> Leon from Resident Evil -> Sanji from OnePiece -> Tim Drake from DC Batman -> Steve from Stranger Things.
-More Horror Bros AU doodles! I also updated Tim’s werewolf design.
-Dick ALWAYS breaks when Tim gives him the sad puppy dog eyes. Bruce and Damian are also surprisingly weak against it.
-Tim likes to wear shirts that belong to either Bruce or Kon. Bruce’s scent calms him down and makes him feel safe, while Kon’s scent reminds me of the sun and makes him giddy. Tim will never admit this though, he will also never admit how embarrassed he is about how Kon’s shirt is STILL too big for him, even as a werewolf.
-I said before that Jason can’t eat, but I think I might make change that and make him have to eat brains, animal ones at least. It gross. So, so, gross and when Jason is feeling especially devious, he’ll make digusting noises while eating, just to make Tim gag.
-When they got cursed, Dick was the first to go down and started coughing up his teeth, along with halve of his blood. Jason rushed over to help, but his own skin began to rot and peel off. Damian was hunched over next to Tim, clutching his throat while gasping for breath as tiny green fish scales blossomed all over his skin. Tim had only a moment to act and manged to grab Damian and yeet him into the harbor before he himself began to transform.