



While trying to find Chekov Bones stops to do some awesome doctoring 

My favourite thing is that Bones clearly doesn’t give a crap about the timeline when there are patients involved. My second favourite is that he habitually carries around pills that regrow organs.

Bones cares so much, even in the past, that he has canonically fucked up the timeline so hard that the nazis won ww2. Kirk and Spock had to go back and fix it! (the city on the edge of forever)

This is a guy who has multiple incidents of “saved someone in the past, despite any effects on the timeline” on his record. And I bet that’s just the two we saw. He does this so casually that he’s probably a major timeline menace that’s always giving the temporal investigation guys headaches.

Bones doesn’t care. He just wants everyone to live, history be damned.

Bones doesn’t care. He

just wants everyone to live,

history be damned.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.