*waves a wand and grants you the teeth and claws to fuck your evil step family up*
Good luck kid you’re in a reverse beauty and beast situation. Do not let that princely motherfucker fall in love with your inner humanity or the spell will fail and you’ll turn human again
Good news if you bite his ass you can start a pack together. Go forth. Enjoy the ball
You can bite a princess too if you want. Or a milkmaid, or a butler or whatever. Go nuts. The more the merrier
#misread as feral hogmother
That’s my girlfriend, she’s rooting for you too
#investing at 70 notes
That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about a post of mine that wasn’t an addition to a post of someone else’s XD
#posts that will become Tumblr heritage
I wish. I don’t think it’s even gonna crack 500 notes
Yes, this is TF. INCREDIBLY based feral godmother, I think literally everyone deserves one.