Biggest failing of the internet is that in order to be vibing with my friends I have to actually be talking to them. I socialize like a cat I just show affection by sitting next to you. Ily but sometimes I have Nothing to say. Not a damn thing going on in my head
I don’t want to “have” a “conversation” I want to peel an orange and share it with you
This is the most truest and realest thing I’ve ever seen said on the internet
To be fair, mutuals just being on Tumblr is parallel play in its purest. You don’t have to reblog or interact with their posts, you just have to see them and are like “Ah, yes, friend is alive and thriving.”
“i could fix him” “i could make him worse” well i could turn him into a flea. a harmless little flea. then i’d put that flea inside of a box📦. and then i’d put that box inside of another box🎁. and then i’d maaaaiiiilllllll that box to myself!!!!!!!!11!!!!! 📬
worried that thing you put in your art or writing or game or music is too self-indulgent, too self-referential, too niche for anyone but yourself? fear not! you can do whatever you want forever. and you should.
One interesting thing about me is that I frequently go through periods where I eat nothing but redbull and gas station sandwiches until one day I open my empty fridge and realize I have no idea what a functional human being buys at the grocery store so I have to keep a full list of everything I eat and use taped to the outside of the door so I can stare at it in a dissociative trance until the answers come to me through the void like dark knowledge from a divine being