being nonbinary and a fan of non-human creatures isn’t easy. like i’m constantly struggling with the fact that i’m both like “i wish there was more enby representation in humans” and “i’m the same gender as mewtwo and that fucking rips”
the tension between “representing NBs only as nonhuman characters is dehumanizing and othering” and “but monsters, aliens, and robots are so much cooler than humans”
alien oc’s. this is their species’ larval stage; their adult form is a giant sentient tree that serves as both parent and dwelling for their hundreds of generations of offspring, though most don’t ever reach that stage.
I think one of the starkest illustrations of how incoherent Hasbro’s goals for Dungeons & Dragons are is that they made the writers take out all the direct references to dragon-fucking in 5E in a bid to render the IP more advertiser-friendly, but still insisted upon keeping a bunch of stuff whose narrative context strongly implies dragon-fucking front and centre in the brand identity, so now the Player’s Handbook has gotta play coy about where dragon-blooded sorcerers come from.
“Perhaps one of your ancestors [MADE A BARGAIN] with a dragon, or perhaps you’re the first of a new sorcerous bloodline as a result of a [BARGAIN] with a dragon”. Yeah, I bet it was quite the “bargain”.
Unbelievably huge dragon d[ISCOUNT]
sometimes the bargain is ‘i wish to purchase a liter of your blood for unspecified purposes’ and sometimes the bargain is ‘i bet that’ll fit’
i respect people with boring fursonas so much. i think there is a lot of unspoken and even unintended pressure to design a character that sticks out like an anime protagonist in school, that you have to make it somehow marketable or widely recognizable. here’s to all the people who just have. grey wolf.
If I had a copper piece for every time this man was on a boat and ended up crashing I’d have 3 copper, which isn’t a lot but its crazy how it’s happened 3 times.