Commission for Zerorider56, featuring the newest addition to the Space Voyagers cast! This guy is quite a bit different from the ones I’ve done so far, and probably the most alien feeling one yet, but he was a really neat character to design, and this is my first time doing a character with four arms too. xp I also had to be a bit of a show designer for this one, and come up with something interesting for a character with two huge toes, lol.
Zerorider56 writes: “The helmsman of the Voyagers. Brash, rude, ill-mannered, yet nurturing, fond, and loyal. Gnork has seen the good, bad and ugly in life and doesn’t have the time nor the patience to put up with people’s rubbish. Often gives crude remarks and swears in his native tongue. He prefers the direct approach and will be blunt with his opinions. Despite his rough exterior and boorish personality, he does show genuine fondness for the crew members even if he prefers solitude to reflect. When it comes to family and kids, he’s developed a more nurturing side due to his past experiences with his former partner and knows when to be patient when it concerns the young members of the Voyagers. (To the artist, he is middle-aged in our concept of aging. Although in the context of the story, his race have short lifespans so he’d be 32, which would translate roughly to 52 human years.)”
If you want to see all the other characters I’ve done for Space Voyagers so far, click here!