Dragon bust, quick lil hour sketch
“Dragon Drop: for an adventure skydiving experience where the parachute is only for emergencies”
-Ad copy
“So how does one get certified? It’s either a rigorous screening process consisting of a full genealogical check for draconic ancestry and practice bungee jumps, or slamming a jug of dragon’s blood just before the drop zone”
-IMF Field Agent Ellis
This incredible TFTuesday dragon transformation uses art by TheDylanRoca!
So I hear it’s Dragon Appreciation Day !
(Marlena’s a weird sort of dragon, but likes the term nonetheless! It’s easier to say than fox-snake-otter-thingymawhatchit.)
ai art but with a funny caption over it still sucks stop showing me that shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pising me off!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry to break it to you but asexuality doesn’t equal sexual purity. To some of us, sex is like… rotisserie chicken.
Labby and Forbidia make a potion.
On my planet we have trans people, yeah, just like humans, but we don’t take hormones or get surgeries.
Instead there’s a magic mirror deep in the forest in the middle of a clearing. You go there and your opposite sex mirror double come out and you duel. One of you survives, and that’s how your new gender works. It’s a fair system.
Swords are the traditional weapon but it’s one of those “you only face what you bring there”.
So if you’d rather fight with guns or quarterstaff or bare hands, that’s fine, just know it won’t give you any advantage, they’ll be armed the same.
And no, you can’t cheat by learning some kind of deadly martial art. They are exactly like you except for gender, so they know all the same moves and skills.
and yeah, the mirror version of you isn’t just genderswapped, they’re also mirrored left to right. So your heart ends up on the left side, any birth marks or scars swap sides, and trans people are more likely to be left-handed than right-handed.