Month: February 2024




(bad) Idea: Pronoun selections for multiple pronoun users where you have the ability to set relative rates of each pronoun. Like maybe like:

A VB6 dialog box running on XP. The title is "Pronouns" and it has the menu options "File, Pronouns, Help". There's a main group labeled "Pronoun Order/Frequency", and below it four pronoun sets are shown: she/her, they/them, he/him, it/its". Each pronoun set has a slider, with she/her at 90%, they/them at 10%, and the remaining two at 0%. Next to each slider there's up and down arrow buttons for reordering. At the bottom of the sliders is an "Add new pronoun" button. ALT

See you could set relative frequencies of each pronoun, and order them.

And yes I did mock this up using Visual Basic 6. That’s just how my brain works.

A Windows Defender popup listing a trojan named Win32/Wacatac.B!ml in pronouns.exe ALT


the fucking POETRY of making a shitpost program about transgender pronouns and it gets falsely flagged before I can post it to tumblr.


Maybe… the pronouns… are a virus.

(Source: worked for an AV company)





Ryan Gosling’s career has just been one long quest to climb the Warner Bros water tower

picture from Variety of the WB water tower with Ryan Gosling standing on its platform with the crane that lifted him up there in the foregroundALT
close up of Ryan Gosling on the WB water tower. he's wearing a jean jacket that matches the sky and nonchalantly leaning on the railing with an apple in his handsALT

that man has been trying to climb this tower since he was 16. he has asked multiple times, and every time they said no, but now he’s famous enough & variety was able to convince them to do a shoot on the tower. it all led here. it was all for this.

He thinks the Animaniacs are really in there. Don’t tell him the truth, it’d break his heart…

Did nobody notice he’s eating a burger up there?


AUs are so fucking funny. Here’s my blorbo. In an alternate universe he fights everyday to keep himself alive against an uncaring world. In another universe he sings sometimes.


bro I’m tired of how conducting myself ethically requires constant effort and self-critique. can I succumb to the darkness lurking in the heart of man for a little bit and trust you to redeem me


Tev’s a part-time quadruped but, he hasn’t quite mastered standing on hooves.

On the plus side: his concerns about riding horseback are solved!