
image is an illustration of six of godbirdart's characters / fursonas: Sebastian, Euillcys, Loke, Cinder, Octis and Arthenos. they are standing on a moss covered staircase, with Sebastian and Euillcys talking to each other to the left and Octis and Arthenos conversing to the right. Loke is leaning over the railing holding a cup of coffee, and Cinder is leaning against the railing in the back with their arms crossed. Behind them is a city riddled with plants and trees. Close behind the staircase sits two twin buildings caked in plants with various ivy and moss snaking along the window frames. Between these two buildings is a city stretching into the distance, thinly veiled by a misty fog from light rain more and more as they get further away. The city's lights are all a greenish-blue hue. signature reads godbirdart 2024.ALT
mage is an illustration of the client's character, Kobaj. Kobaj is an anthropormorphic fennec fox, depicted here standing on a dim, grassy hill at dusk. there are dark mountains in the distance across a small lake. the sky is littered with encroaching dark clouds. in the sky, a massive geometric glyph hurtles towards across towards the ground. its shape is vaguely V-like, with the point pointed downward. it is a mix of circles and triangles and other geometry, glowing a vibrant green-blue. kobaj is looking towards this glyph, facing away from the viewer. the tip of the glyph is glowing with a brilliant blue-white star. its luminescence is reflected in the closeby glows and lakewater. signature reads godbirdart 2024. ALT
image is an illustration of the client's character Aurora. aurora is a large white and gold celestial dragon, with a pinking underbelly. his horns are metallic gold. a single red stormy orb hovers between them. around his tail hover six smaller elemental orbs of varying colours. aurora is brandishing purple-coloured magic between his claws as he consults a book. he is reclining on a thick blue cushion with constellation patterning and gold corner tassels. to the right in the background is an immense library featuring an array of books on magic and the cosmos. the ceiling is a glass dome, allowing sunlight to drift down comfortably. the center-piece of this library is a massive golden celestial globe, decorated with astrological signs and roman numerals with navy blue accents. around the lower part is are two rings of planetary dioramas. the centre bauble of this globe contains a small ethereal tree with blue foliage. signature reads godbirdart 2024.ALT
image is an illustration of the client's characters in a Greek garden during sundown. There are five characters. Persephone (an Absol), Hecate (a dragon), and Pandora (a fox) stand in the foreground, all three wearing dark blue chitons with faint clouds and sparkles on them. Selene (an owl) and Hephaestus (a wolf) stand in the background. Persephone and Hecate are sitting on decorative steps leading down into a glowing blue pool of water with constellations and stars flowing in it. Four braziers of teal-blue flame sit on either side of the steps, two on each side, in between white peony bushes. Pandora is wading through this pool, waving at the others as she passes by and carrying a amphora of cosmic water. An ivy-covered gazebo sits at the top of the stairs. Selene is standing idly close to this gazebo. Hephaestus stands in a grassy patch. An immense Greek temple covered in ivy sits perched on a hill behind him. signature reads godbirdart 2024. ALT

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