while im clipping bits of Spin City here’s the most 1998 thing you’ll see today
I’m so glad I uploaded this bcos I keep re-watching it and experiencing just unfettered delight ❤️
Good morning faggots, dykes, and transsexuals
This post is making the terf rounds so reminder to reblog it like warning shots to keep the mindless cultists off your blog
Something deeply painful is the fact that seasons, especially fall, dont feel the same. Not because of individual maturity but because climate change has impacted the weather patterns so so so much that we cant even experience the same annual shifts that our ancestors have for centuries
I feel displaced, i yearn for the spring, summer, fall, and winter that i can barely remember experiencing
To make things worse, if you’re under 50-60 years old, you can’t even remember what normal seasons were like because you weren’t alive to experience them
In the graph above, you can see how there’s a clear tipping point in the late 1970′s, which is when global temperatures first began to really skyrocket.
I was born in 1997, so about 20 years after this shift occurred. There is an immense difference between the climate now and the climate I remember growing up in, but the way I experienced the seasons in my childhood was already fundamentally different from what the seasons were supposed to be like! My parents were pretty much the last generation to experience a normal climate, and that’s just… incredibly sad
I am processing this information in a normal way devoid of rabid rage and bloodlust i am processing this information in a normal wa-
Dragon boyfriend took it as a challenge.
I wanted to re-visit the awkward teenage lizard stage, but this time, Tevruden gets to destroy his armor too!
The weather is changing so fast these days!
one day my true potential wont be sealed by the 24 frames limit of clip studio anymore
TW blood
Dragon HRT Part 3: 14 months
Not all dragon behaviors come naturally, you still have to learn!