the only people allowed to steal my art without credit are mexican taquerias who handpaint it on the wall like it’s goku holding a taco. the rest of y’all gotta ask
non furries are so annoying about the semantics of calling something a furry. “erm wouldnt that be like.. a feathery???” its an avian and its still a furry. ok yes you can call the slug a slimy thats funny. but these are all fursonas. unless theyre not. i hope this hurts you
everyone on here always worried about “oh im a different person around different people so what’s my actual identity?” bitch take a drink of water and listen to brennan lee mulligan saying “people are like gems, right? they have facets to them, and some of them only get exposed within certain relationships” and maybe you’ll calm down
Sometimes I think it’s less that Your Person is someone you can be totally yourself around and more that Your Person summons the version of yourself you most like being
The funny thing about Voyager fans is that if the Janeway/Chakotay shippers are all “J/C is endgame and they might have had a kid together!!” about upcoming Prodigy episodes…
They still have to admit, even if only to themselves, that Janeway already did have a baby with another member of the crew. Several of them, in fact.
And as much as they don’t want to remember that fact, it is absolutely canon that Janeway had several kids with Tom Paris.
Apparently you haven’t yet met all the J/C shippers who are in full support of J/C raising the triplets together. 😌😄
Chakotay is helping Janeway raise the kids she had with another man?! I dunno, is this a kink thing?
no i think it’s a lizard husbandry thing
Oh that’s fine then. So long as it’s not #cuckotay
Wanted to play around with the idea of making clothes for dragons back in the day and so I decided on the cute idea of adult Spyro and Cynder attending all sorts of celebrations in their honor.
Honestly one day I’ll remake this piece with much flashier and prettier clothes (add that to my long list of “To Do"s)
[ID: a digital drawing of a black dragon with blue wings and blue belly scales, grey spikes all over their body, and bright blue eyes. they fly with an intimidating roar against a background of a purple sky with lightning. /end ID]
Gods that are not people. Gods who dont have morals. Gods that are animals. Gods that are forces of nature. Gods that move forward, regardless of what you do. Gods that are robots, following centuries-old instructions that no longer serve a purpose. Gods who are children that let a pop bottle expire under their bed. Gods who are dead. Gods that do not understand death. Gods who are farmers, and we their cows. Gods who bred us for the slaughter to feed their families. Gods who do not acknowledge that we are alive. Gods who do not acknowledge that they made us. Gods who are people who made mistakes and are begging us to forgive them.