Month: January 2024


Taur Tuesday 1-9: Snack Break

Komodo dragontaur meeting their rabbit friend for a snack break. I like these guys and wow is that a background!??!?

sorry not sorry but I am gonna be REALLY annoying at pointing out that both US parties suck but you’re not fixing it by electing the president, because it’s a systemic issue… until November, at least.

but also has that the Republican Party has been this hateful since before I was born


Hopping on the weirdly specific poll train!

weirdly specific poll

currently have an odd number of wisdom teeth

have both a bs and ba degree

have done tech/backstage stuff for a musical

know how to identify common local plants

weirdly obsessed with bones

have done flintknapping

did competitive trivia in high school

wear a watch on your dominant hand

work in a field so obscure no one outside of it has ever heard of it

None of the above

More than one of the above

See Results


cannot stress enough how insane it’s making me that we’re witnessing some of the best domestic policy in decades at the same time as the worst foreign policy atrocity since the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan




after roe v wade got overturned under biden (a constitutional right we had for FIFTY years) i don’t believe any of the goofy “biden is better for domestic issues” rhetoric . you are lying to me and you are lying to yourself

so sorry for not understanding how the us government works and how powerless the democrats are. the president bypassing congress twice to sell weapons to a genocidal entity killing civilians got me acting silly. my fault

okay legitimately fact checking this was fun. let’s break it down!

“after Roe V Wade got overturned under Biden…” = fact check: partially true? it did factually happen under his administration, but happened in a branch of government he cannot directly control. Biden actually attempted to sign an executive order two weeks after the Supreme Court ruling to protect abortion access. It isn’t immediately clear if it’s had an effect beyond protecting federal employees from state intervention in matters of abortion but it seems disingenuous not to mention.

“a constitutional right we had for FIFTY YEARS” – = mostly false? the right to have an abortion is an interpretation of one clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. it’s like saying you’re the supreme ruler of this place when you’re the manager of the GameStop – technically true, but it stretches the definition for effect.

“Biden is better for domestic issues” – vague, hard to fact check. What issues? Better than whom?

“Sorry for not understanding how the us government works and how powerless democrats are” – see above.

“the president bypassing congress for the second time….“ – I assume this is talking about Israel, in which case fact check: true! ish? which is to say, at least according to a recent senate vote, 72/100 current senators are unwilling to link aid to Israel to human rights reporting.

this is one of those posts that interests me mostly because of the line “you are lying to yourself”. that’s such a curious phrase to give to the void – it has the ring of one of those cold reading “insights” that feel so true and personal but are in fact just broadly true. i genuinely don’t think OP added it as any sort of manipulation, i just am drawn by the way it functions in this argument like a kind of salt & seasoning – the way if I tell you that you’ve had some education but everything you’ve learned that’s important, you probably taught yourself, you’re automatically gonna believe more what I say next about you. these two posts are so deliciously tuned towards enraging a certain leftist subset with a mix of slightly-slanted fact and I really, genuinely find it dope.

I’d be more apt to listen to posts like OP if y’all had some sort of call to action other than ‘biden bad’

yeah he sucks but you gonna suggest anything actionable about it?


That Cinematic Where Uther and Sylvanas Talked in Shadowlands Plus Everything that Led Up To It Except Now I Like It

Fuck ittt, reposting this cos it’s the 2 year anniversary of this wall of text hyperfixation comic I ACTUALLY DID finish, but was only an imgur link bc tumblr didn’t support enough images before. putting this shit directly on the good bad site where it belongs

uh ok imagine the blades of grass things in the jailer’s hand here are actually like glowing threads of her soul. i could prob color just this part to make it more clear but my body goes limp like a marionette when i think about exerting that small amount of effort to make my comic more legible

this ^ is one page i would maybe color sometime, actually one of my fave things i’ve drawn tbqhhh




So you find a robodoc from the far future, but the only problem is that the battery is nearly dead. It says it can fix one problem, but then it will power off forever, and you gotta use it now, no saving it until you get cancer or something.

So what do you have it fix?

your brain

your teeth

your skin

your digestive system

your gender (instant transition!)

birth defect/missing limb

fix a sense: eyes, ears, taste, smell


other chronic disease

aging (you’re 18 again, but with any medical conditions you have now)

reproductive system (make you fertile or infertile)

fuck it, give me a tail and cat ears

See Results

Only tail and ears?

I explained in another reblog! It can furryify you but it’s not up to the task of making you into a huge dragon or a taur. But pretty much anything vaguely humanoid is fair game.