Month: January 2024

The discourse around the word ‘queer’ is amazing. While I wouldn’t use it myself, I wouldn’t tell some other black person not to the say the n-word.


Somehow t/umblr disabled reblogs on my older commission post, so I’m making this one for now. You can read my Terms of Service over here. For contact please Email at myouellet[@] or add me on discord (volentis) indicating its for a commission.

Thank you for your attention and time  👍🏽

If you are interested about creatures TF coms check under read more

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Me: Its foggy out so I wanna point a laser pointer right above my house to see if I can tell how far it goes up
KAUS Arrival: Hey let’s vector every incoming flight over Tev’s house at 4000ft QNH
Me, hearing planes fly over my house that I can’t see while shining a bright light straight up: >:|

Me: Its foggy out so I wanna point a laser pointer right above my house to see if I can tell how far it goes up
KAUS Arrival: Hey let’s vector every incoming flight over Tev’s house at 4000ft QNH
Me, hearing planes fly over my house that I can’t see while shining a bright light straight up: >:|


Wow google is kind of incompetent

Like if you can’t delete files in 43 days (which is TWO WEEKS longer than the 30 days they are supposed to be in the trash)

maybe you should get off your high horse about users freeing up storage???

lol wait no, I deleted all this back in september

143 days ago

Wow google is kind of incompetent

Like if you can’t delete files in 43 days (which is TWO WEEKS longer than the 30 days they are supposed to be in the trash)

maybe you should get off your high horse about users freeing up storage???