AITA for Leaving Our Transformed Captain’s Offspring Stranded?I know it sounds bad but please hear me out. I’m seeking your thoughts on whether I made the right call. I’m Charles (M43), the first officer of a starship. Now, this situation involves our pilot, Taylor (M27), and the captain herself (F37). Fake names for anonymity. Taylor pitched this bold idea to break the warp 10 barrier, and against my better judgment, we went for it. Long story short, he ended up transforming into some amphibian-human hybrid. The twist? Turns out, during this warp 10 ordeal, Taylor kidnapped the captain they unknowingly conceived offspring.Now, here’s where I might’ve made a questionable call. After this transformation fiasco, we found ourselves on an apparently uninhabited planet, and the offspring were left behind. Yeah, I made the executive decision to leave them there. I know, it sounds heartless, but hear me out. I made the tough call to leave them there. Now, I can’t shake the feeling that I might have messed up, especially knowing how much I care about the captain.As the first officer, my primary concern is the safety and well-being of the crew. Bringing back the offspring seemed risky, and the area of space we are now is full of unknowns. My captain is someone I deeply care about, and she seemed to supported the decision, and I didn’t want to undermine her authority.But now, I’m grappling with whether I should’ve fought harder for a different solution. Leaving her offspring on that alien planet weighs heavy on my conscience. Did I prioritize the crew’s safety at the expense of a moral obligation to someone I care about?So, am I the asshole for leaving our transformed captain’s offspring stranded on that planet? Or should I give myself some understanding given the complexities of navigating through uncharted territories?