One of my friends is working on modifying and improving the customization and roleplay-socializing aspects of the website and user app Guildtag for various online MMORPG community use.
He currently is looking for examples of World of Warcraft carrds for characters and venues just to look at for customization ideas (we already have lots of FF14 and SWOTR carrds to peruse) to figure out what the best cutomization features to add to Guildtag would be. We’re basically trying to figure out the best overall starting template and customization optiond that must be available and can be implemented to Guildtag that are most popularliy used by various MMORPG players and communities for their carrds.
Feel free to DM me any carrds you’re happy to share and tha ks for your help!
Headlights are just too bright now. We gotta regulate them.
(And before anyone says it’s just an aiming problem – no. Like I apologize to the headlight aficionados clearly lusting after lighthouses, chernobyl, or the death star, but no amount of aiming is gonna fix the fact that the moment your car encounters any kind of hill, curve, or bump, my retinas are vaporized by a shade of blue-white previously known only to god. Just accept your limits and settle for a soft orange like the rest of us)
this is no joke.
it’s a legit safety issue. plenty of drivers who wear glasses or get migraines or any number of other things legit can’t handle the brightness. it fully blinds multiple drivers I know. I have friends who do not have actual night blindness who avoid driving at night and limit to back roads at night because of this. I don’t drive, but as a low vision passenger with photosensitive migraines, going somewhere at night is horrible for me. my vision comes and goes from the impact of those fuck-you-bright lights and I almost always come away with a migraine. I have been in cars where we have had to pull over because someone passed us with “cops spotlight” bright headlights and the driver legit couldn’t see for a minute. I’ve been in a car that was inches from being driven off a protected drop because someone had lights bright enough that the driver flashed them to turn their brights off and the other persons response was to actually turn their brights on and it legit blinded the driver (and me in the passenger seat) for several minutes. we had to pull over and the other passenger had to drive because the original driver had a migraine after that. a few of these are definitely examples of assholes whose lights cannot be street legal, but several of them ASR just normal cars with center of the sun headlights.
after a certain point of brightness, it adds nothing to safety for the person driving the eye of Sauron car. and even if you want it past a certain brightness, the normalcy of the colder and colder blue white lights makes it even more dangerous. the brightness should be standardized, and the color of the light should be standardized to a warmer shade. more similar to the lights you used to see on cars. it’s okay if the brightness standard is a bit higher than what those old lights were, but it should be far less than some of the people I’ve seen
nothing like driving on mountain roads with your friend and having the sickening thought that, if YOU’RE blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars and you’re in the passenger’s seat, what must it be like for HER?
Like Pizza Hut, IHOP still exists. Also like Pizza Hunt, all original IHOP restaurants had an architecturally unique look to them. From the 1950s through the 70s, all IHOP restaurants sported a distinct A-frame structure. This lasted until 1979 when the last A-frame was built. Starting in the 1980s, they retired this look and opted for a more modern style.
Today, there are a handful of the original IHOP buildings left. The company didn’t completely phase them out but they definitely abandoned many through the years. I’ve included photos of these vacant IHOP A-frames through the country.
The IHOP next to the Anaheim convention center used to be one of those A-frames.
i remember the seating up on the second level felt like a liminal space.
“Dread Mistress, there is a visitor to your illustrious court!”
“Oh? And who is it?”
“It’s some sort of … double drider, Dread Mistress.”
“It’s fuckening what?”
“The top part is an elf but the bottom half is also an elf.”
“… so they’re an elf.”
“Oh. Uh … yes, I suppose so, Dread Mistress.”
“Yesterday I saw a terrible omen. We were visited by a spider with sixteen eyes, sixteen legs, two heads, and two abdomens.”
“ … so you saw two spiders.”
“As you say, Dread Mistress.”
“… and you are my slave, and you will obey my every command and cater
to my every whim and submit to my commands for the rest of your
pitiful, mortal life!”
“Wait, really? Fuckin sweet.”
“… Eh?”
“Do I get a collar?”
“… oh my fucking God.”
“Servant, I have a mighty quest for you to undertake. You must leave
our lands and venture out amongst the surface-dwellers, and procure for
me a number of pretties.”
“Your every wish is my command, Dread Mistress. For what shall I undertake such a perilous quest?”
“Pack of Newports, couple of scratch-offs, and a mountain dew.”
listen i am not american. i understand that even democrats fucking suck and its a genuinely shitty situation to be in. im so sorry. but hey, hey look at me. why are you guys bullying people for saying “you should still vote blue?” Like im curious about the alternatives youve got. voting red? firebombing walmart? tumblr user catboyssepticbutthole, i know you will not be firebombing walmart.
you guys are falling into the “the revolution will fix everything” mindset and then not even occupying tv buildings or organising the coup or anything. youre just posting. Don’t encourage being complacent under the guise of encouraging revolution
There’s so many people in the notes saying “you can firebomb walmart AND vote :)” let me reiterate, none of us on this fucking website are gonna firebomb a walmart
I’m done with yall posers. get off tumblr and do it then idc
Re: firebombing a Walmart-
What is THAT supposed to accomplish?
The Walton family won’t be at a Walmart. You know who will? The people working and shopping there, who aren’t billionaires. You firebomb a Walmart, the people getting killed and injured are them, and the Walton family definitely won’t pay their medical bills.
Know what else the Walton family won’t do? Pay any employees of that store while the store is shut down. So you then have a bunch of people out of work who won’t be able to pay their bills, who probably don’t have enough savings to last them until they can find another job.
Shut up about firebombing Walmarts and volunteer at a damn soup kitchen.