


do seasons begin on…

solstices and equinoxes (eg. winter starts on the winter solstice)

the first of a month (eg. winter begins on dec 1st)

other (explain in tags)

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I live in an area with some of the most statistically volatile weather on earth:

  1. Depending on how specific you need to be, there are between two and seventy-six seasons. maybe more.
  2. seasons are defined by the beginning of the phenomenon. Winter begins when we have winter weather. Ice fishing season begins when the ice is thick enough.
  3. Nothing defines the occurrence of natural phenomena, least of all our pathetic attempts at timekeeping.

Kansas doesn’t really have seasons, we roll a d20 and consult the wild magic chart and that’s how we decide what the weather’s gonna be like that day

They begin whenever and end whenever, sometimes in the middle of another season, which is why in middle school we had a week of 100F summer like weather.