Month: October 2023


Have you ever owned an unorthodox pet?



Insect or arachnid

Fish other than goldfish or betta

Aquatic non-fish

A rodent other than hamster, gerbil, or guinea pig

Livestock, in a non-farm-related context

Other nonstandard mammal, e.g. ferret


Multiple of these

No/see results

What counts as a “typical” pet is entirely subjective, but for the purposes of this poll, we’ll say that “typical” pets are things like dogs, cats, rabbits, small rodents like hamsters and gerbils, and goldfish and betta fish.

We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.


today i got locked out of watching youtube videos entirely on adblock grounds, so i did some tinkering.

ublock does not, in fact, seem to circumvent this, but i did find out something new through circumstance as well as trial and error:

bf told me two bits of information that turned out to be rather useful.
1) he hasn’t really gotten the youtube adblock notifications much.
2) his work laptop blocks youtube cookies completely. (this annoys him a bit because a couple quality of life features function off cookies)

so when i was trying to troubleshoot how to wrangle youtube into letting me listen to music without constantly throwing intrusive as hell ads at me, i decided to block youtube cookies just to see what would happen.

well wouldn’t you know, it has stopped complaining about ads being blocked entirely.
for now anyway.

TL;DR: looks like youtube is using cookies to check for adblockers, so blocking them seems to cause it to leave you alone.



if i was a shapeshifter, half of my time would be spent making myself look androgynous and trimming up the things about my shape I’m not happy with, and half of my time would be spent making my teeth look just a little bit sharper than is normal, changing my eye-color subtly between slightly unsettling shades, and giving myself an intricate “tattoo” that just barely moves every couple of hours, until it’s in a whole new shape next time you look at me.

if i was a shapeshifter id have fat fucking tits